
Serving Size Standardisation

With the packing of coconut oil, we are used to the standards of weights and measurements. And proactively maintain consistent weights across all the packs done at our oil mill. Though the standards allow 2% variation, our variations are less than 0.2%. We achieve this by weighing each box to gram-level accuracy and approving only packs within an acceptable weight range. The same attitude is carried to the restaurant as well.

Serving Size Standardisation

There is no authority here that defines serving size nor is it declared anywhere say a menu. Still, we like to define the right serving size and serve as per size consistently.

How is the serving size determined?
The following factors are considered to determine the serving size

  • The restaurant is mostly frequented by middle and upper-middle-class customers. They don’t work much physically and hence have a lower appetite.
  • Customers get bored of eating the same food, however tasty it is, after some time. It is like listening to a 5 minutes song. We hymn with the song for the first minute and then we don’t listen to the song. Similarly, we enjoy the first few bites of the food and then just keep eating
  • Customers like to try and taste different varieties of food. So, after eating one plate, they should have space to try another.
  • Food waste is a national waste and it benefits nobody. So, we need to control its waste by optimising the serving size. Customers sometimes tend to overeat in order to avoid wasting it.
  • The cost of food for the restaurant and the amount of calories and nutrients for customers depends on serving size. Again it should be balanced

How is the serving size ensured every time?
A particular Sout or bowl is assigned for picking and serving every food item. This way it gets standardised despite any change in person at the counter. The plates and bowls that we use for serving customers are also standardised so that the look and feel are the same every time.

The quantity we serve may be higher/lower for different people. We respect the views of different people, however, the quantity is selected based on the target audience we have in mind.

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