Why Adigemane

Traditional Mangalorean Cuisine
We hardly find traditional Mangalorean style food at restaurants in this region. If one wishes to have them he has to go to his ancestral home where his grand mother would prepare it in the traditional way. North Indian, Chinese and Continental foods are becoming the preferred cuisines rather than the local cuisine . In other regions like Andhra, Tamil Nadu, North Karnataka people celebrate their local cuisine. We find Udupi hotels everywhere, but the food offered is anything but Udupi style. It is high time we celebrate our local traditional Mangalorean cuisine. They are suitable for the geography and climate of this region. Food items such as Mangaluru Buns, Goli Bhaje, Sajjige Bhajilu, Pundi, Semige, Pathrode, Padenji, Moode and Kottige are offered at Cocoguru Adigemane.

Food is among the most important inputs to the human body. Some Restaurants are found to have among the worst hygiene and cleanliness standards. Spilled food stick on floor and tables, vegetables decay, sinks block, pests are all over the place, kitchen is overcrowded, equipment is not upto the standards and preparations are chaotic. Doing anything to manage this is going to cost a lot of money and restaurants are wary of passing this cost to customers. We maintain the highest standards of food hygiene and maintenance in our restaurant. We follow strict food safety protocols given by fssai and ensure that our kitchen and dining areas are spotless. The food waste is disposed-off to our bio-gas plant and the plates are being sterilized using hot water creating a safe and healthy environment for our guests and staff. We strive on a daily basis to break the stigma of restaurants not being clean.

We generally go to restaurants to savour the taste or when we are outside and home food is not available. We also budget for the unhealthiness that comes with hotel food. At Cocoguru Adigemane you need not come with that guilt of eating unhealthy food. There will be no artificial flavours, colours, taste makers, caustic soda, ajinomoto, preservatives etc added to the food you eat. No excess chillies, salt and spices so that it will not be hard on the stomach and it will enable you to savour the natural taste of the ingredients in the dish. The coconut oil, known for its numerous health benefits, is being made at our own factory. We believe that food should be easily digestible, so that the stomach feels light even after a heavy meal and Instant energy should be available after eating.

Freshly Prepared
All the food items available at the restaurant are freshly prepared on the same day, same session. Leftover food is not reused. This has forced us to limit the items on the menu. We focus on those few items and serve them well.

High Quality Ingredients
We have learnt in making coconut oil that the first step to making the best quality is sourcing and selecting the best quality raw material that is copra. So, best quality ingredients will be sourced directly from source, so that the same will be available throughout the year with consistent quality. It means paying a higher price and keeping a higher inventory. But it helps in delivering a better food quality. For example, Ghee, milk products and Ice-creams from Amul and Nandini. Packaged drinking water from Tata, Coconut Oil from Cocoguru, Black Jaggery, Gokarna salt etc. All the masalas and pickles are prepared in-house.

Natural Taste
We have come to realise that to attain the best taste it is not necessary to add more salt, chillies, tamarind, sugar, spices, oil or any magic ingredients. It is enough if we just allow the natural taste of the ingredients to showcase itself rather than overpowering them with spices.

Coconut Oil
Starch, proteins and fat are the 3 most important nutrients for the human body. Selection of the right fat becomes even more important. At Cocoguru Adigemane, we use only the finest Coconut Oil and Ghee. No refined oils. Coconut Oil is the locally consumed oil, makes food taste good, good for heart and health and the whole kitchen gets aromatic. We intend to bring back the taste of coconut oil onto the palates of our customers.

Environment Friendly
Along with serving great food to customers, making money for ourselves, caring for the environment is a top priority. So, we take several measures to care for mother earth.

Sewage Treatment
Washing hands after eating, plates, utensils, floor, tables etc generates a lot of waste water. This waste water is not let into public streams or drainages. It undergoes sewage treatment before being used to water the plants and trees outside. Setting up a sewage treatment plant and running does drain our finances a bit, but we consider it our responsibility to not pollute water and reuse water effectively. Sadly, we haven’t seen any other restaurant in Puttur town that does it.

Solar Energy Usage
Hygiene is paramount inside the restaurant, so we insist on personal hygiene of all staff which includes bathing before work. This requires hot/warm water. Plates and utensils are to be washed with hot water for sterilization. We avoid the use of electricity or burning fossil fuels instead we use renewable solar energy for heating water.”

Biogas Fuel
Food waste generated is not thrown outside or into drainage, it is shredded and fed into the biogas plant. Biogas generated from the plant is used as fuel for cooking. This offers a dual advantage,

  • It acts as a sink for food waste
  • It replaces LPG, a non-renewal fossil fuel with green renewable energy.

Banana Leaf and Areca Leaf Plate
Food is served on banana leaves inside the restaurant. This banana leaf is biodegradable. Unlike steel plates, they need not be washed, thereby saving water. Areca leaf plates are used for parcels and take-aways. This is again biodegradable unlike plastic or a foam plate.

Restaurant Management Software
A Restaurant management software is used to manage the entire operations of the restaurant. With this the operations run faster and more accurately. When an order is placed at the table, a Kitchen Order Token (KoT) is immediately generated and sent to the kitchen for preparing the food against order. This eliminates the need for the captain to walk all the way to the kitchen and shout to the cook to prepare the ordered item. The prepared item also reaches the right table as table number is part of the KoT. This way the captain is always available to attend the customers and handle their queries or place orders.

Live Menu
Many times we go to a restaurant and find a very elaborate menu, but when we order we come to know that the item is not available at that point of time. So as to avoid this confusion, a live menu on the website of only those items that are available in real time. Customers can also directly order from the online live menu, without the need to wait for the captain.

Digital payments
Customers can make all kinds of digital payments through UPI eliminating the need to carry cash, give or take change.

We believe the customer has the right to know everything about the food he consumes. Customers are free to walk into the kitchen and see the process and upkeep. Recipes of all the food items are shared online on our website.


We strive to make our food offerings accessible to all, irrespective of their preferences or restrictions. We offer a diverse menu that caters to different dietary needs.
With the vision to Serve traditional Mangalorean vegetarian cuisines using coconut oil, we indent to make strides in the food industry.

We follow all the laws of land though it is extremely difficult to read/understand and follow. All the sales are done with bill, by paying the necessary taxes, the tax value is not passed on to customers rather it is included in the price. We conduct our business with all fairness and honesty.